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Program Description
The purpose of the Competitive Grants for State Assessments (CGSA) program is to enhance the quality of assessment instruments and assessment systems used by States for measuring the academic achievement of elementary and secondary school students. This program is authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This program replaces a similar program, the Enhanced Assessment Grants (EAG) program authorized by the ESEA as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).
Types of Projects
Projects that address program objectives by producing significant research methodologies products or tools, regarding assessment systems, or assessments.
An eligible applicant awarded a grant under this program must propose activities that fit one or more of the following categories:
Other Information
Proficiency on State assessments required under Title I, Part A, of the ESEA is the primary indicator in the ESEA of student academic achievement and, hence, the primary measure of State success in meeting the goals of ESEA. In view of the critical importance of these State assessments, section 6361 provides formula grants to all SEAs, and section 6363 authorizes the Secretary to make competitive grant awards to State educational agencies (SEAs) to help them enhance the quality of assessment and accountability systems.
129 STAT. 2038 PUBLIC LAW 114–95—DEC. 10, 2015 such time and in such manner as the Secretary may reasonably require. Each application shall describe how— ‘‘(A) the proposed identification methods, as well as gifted and talented services, materials, and methods, can be adapted, if appropriate, for use by all students; and ‘‘(B) the proposed programs can be evaluated. ‘‘(c) USES OF FUNDS—Programs and projects assisted under this section may include any of the following: ‘‘(1) Conducting evidence-based research on methods and techniques for identifying and teaching gifted and talented students and for using gifted and talented programs and methods to identify and provide the opportunity for all students to be served, particularly low-income and at-risk students.
‘‘(2) Establishing and operating programs and projects for identifying and serving gifted and talented students, including innovative methods and strategies (such as summer programs, mentoring programs, peer tutoring programs, service learning programs, and cooperative learning programs involving business, industry and education) for identifying and educating students who may not be served by traditional gifted and talented programs.
‘‘(f) GENERAL PRIORITY—In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall give highest priority to programs and projects designed to— ‘‘(1) develop new information that— ‘‘(A) improves the capability of schools to plan, conduct, and improve programs to identify and serve gifted and talented students…
‘‘(B) assists schools in the identification of, and provision of services to, gifted and talented students (including economically disadvantaged individuals, individuals who are English learners, and children with disabilities) who may not be identified and served through traditional assessment methods…
Bernadine Futrell, Deputy Assistant Secretary
United States Department of Education | Office of Elementary & Secondary Education
400 Maryland Avenue SW | Washington D.C. 202-453-6512 |
James Layne, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary U.S
Program Office: Office of State Support
CFDA Number: 84.368
Program Type: Discretionary Grants
Also Known As: Competitive Grants for State Assessments (CGSA)
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